School trips 2022: ending the year smoothly

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Futuroscope: the entrance

As everyone knows, the last two school years have not allowed school trips or integration stays. It is therefore at the end of the year that each level (at the College) was able to enjoy an outing.

Mark the end of the College at Futuroscope

For our third year students, June 9 is an opportunity to spend a day at Futuroscope. Pleasure to share good times between classmates, meet differently his teachers: so many great opportunities to weave memories before joining the Lycée next year.

Whether you've already been to futuroscope or discover it, it's always a joy to enjoy the attractions. Even more enjoy the good weather for the lunch break.

The 4th, 5th and 6th at the Accroparc de Soyaux

Journey between the trees

For the others of the College, it went out to "L'Accroparc" of Soyaux. On the program: tree climbing, outdoor Lasergame and minigolf. Several days allow each class to enjoy each of these activities. On June 16th it is the 4th who enjoy the magnificent place:

On June 18, the 5th grade classes take over. These activities are a real discovery for some students, affinities play a role in forming teams, whatever the activity. Everyone takes advantage of the "coolness" of the forest to protect themselves from the sun and heat:

Finally, on June 21, the last three classes of 6th grade take over the premises. The welcome time allows, as for the others before us, to create two large groups. The first leaves for tree climbing while the second is still split into two: Lasergame for some, minigolf for others; in the middle of the morning we swap. With helmet and dummy weapon, our students are almost unrecognizable. Some work together to establish a strategy, others rely more on instinct or the luck factor… At the end of the game everyone can know his score.

At the mini-golf the atmosphere is quieter and more concentrated. However, everyone closely monitors the opponent's scores: it is a question of returning the ball in less stroke than him!

The morning ends, it is time to eat and regain strength for the afternoon. Indeed the group continues after a good break with the tree climbing.

First of all, you have to equip yourself with harnesses. Then a video explains the basics and indicates the safety instructions. Then a small course allows you to understand how practical, cling to the lifeline and test the zip line. Then, everyone according to their level (and size) benefits from the different courses. Everyone gives it to their heart's content.

It's then time to take the bus back to Saint-Paul. Everyone is happy with this beautiful day shared. A big thank you to the entire Accroparc team for their welcome, the quality and safety of their equipment!

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